
Black Lives Matter Grassroots Calls for an End to Qualified Immunity After the Successful Verdict of the Andrew Joseph III Case
Black Lives Matter was birthed in 2013 in response to George Zimmerman’s acquittal for the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The boots-on-the-ground have always been everyday people committed to ending state-sanctioned violence against Black people. We took to the streets, demanded policy change, shifted narratives, and built a mass movement – then and now – to build a world where all of our people can live and walk freely.

Black Lives Matter Grassroots Responds To Kanye West’s White Lives Matter Shirt
The Black Lives Matter Grassroots responds to Kanye West’s White Liver Matter Shirt. The details of the incident are highlighted below

Black Women Are Divine
BLM Grassroots initiated Black Women Are Divine as a national call to Black women across the world to reclaim
their divinity in the names of #BreonnaTaylor, #SandraBland, #WakieshaWilson and all Black women whose lives were stolen by state-sanctioned violence.

Talk to us on KBLA about most recent movement news
Talk to us on KBLA about the most current movement news on our weekly podcast This is Not A Drill.

Verified Black Owned
Buying products from #VerifiedBlackOwnedBusinesses is a direct way to keep our dollars circulating in Black community and build Black collective wealth.

A 10-Person Jury Ruled in the Favor of the Family of 14-Year Old Andrew Joseph III in Joseph v. Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office.
On Thursday, Sep. 22, in response to the ruling, Black Lives Matter Grassroots, which has been supporting the Joseph family since 2015, calls to end qualified immunity, the legal doctrine which shields law enforcement officers from being held accountable.
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Black Lives Matter Grassroots is Black Lives Matter.
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