Category: Black History Month 2023

Black History Month 2023

Marie Laveau – Mambo Priestess of Voudou

Marie Catherine Laveau, born September 10, 1801, was an important figure in 19th-century New Orleans society. As a Mambo priestess of Voudou, Laveau practiced the powerful spiritual system carried to New Orleans from enslaved Dahomeans after the Haitian Revolution of 1804.

Black History Month 2023

Ida B. Wells – Teacher, Journalist, Activist

Ida B. Wells Barnett (1862-1931) was a teacher, journalist, activist, civil rights
Leader, and women’s rights pillar. Born into enslavement, her parents died of yellow fever in 1878. The oldest of five, Ida worked to support her siblings in Holly Springs, Mississippi. She attended Rust College and later taught school in Memphis, Tennessee.

Black History Month 2023

Carter G. Woodson – Historian, Author, Journalist

Carter G. Woodson was born in 1875 in New Canton, Virginia, to formerly enslaved parents, where he grew up facing many systemic challenges, including limited access to education. Despite these obstacles, he graduated high school and received a BA in Literature from Berea College in Kentucky. After undergrad, Woodson worked as a teacher and principal before enrolling in grad school at the University of Chicago, where he earned a Ph.D. in history.

Black History Month 2023

Meta Warrick Fuller – Artist, Scupltor

To behold the work of Meta Warrick Fuller a soul-stirring experience. Her work simply overcomes you. Thought to be the first African American woman trained sculptor, Fuller channeled the collective experiences of Black America through her work: from the pride of our African inheritance to the deep pain of lynchings.

Black Lives Matter Grassroots

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